Monday, April 17, 2006

My name is Ackleykid, and I'm a geek.

I spent five hours at the Natural History Museum the other day, visiting the Bog People. The Mysterious Bog People lived in northwestern Europe during the Mesolithic period about 12,000 years ago; the museum is displaying six bog "mummies" preserved by the bog environment, including the remains of a 16-year-old girl that scared the hell out of Beatriz. I quote the web site:

Although she perished approximately 2,000 years ago, the woolen cord with which she was strangeld is still intact. Whether her death was a killing or part of a ritual is one of the mysteries surrounding the Bog People.

Pretty fucking awesome, yeah?

The Natural History Museum also has some great dioramas of African and North American mammals (including my favorite, the okapi, the closest living relative of the giraffe, discovered only in 1901). I thought the museum might be a little elementary-school for me, but as you can see, I'm just the right emotional maturity age.


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