Friday, January 26, 2007

Reviving the art of the blog

Walking into work today, a pink box of doughnuts sat on the sink-area counter.

Me: "What's with the doughnuts?"

Co-worker Jeremiah: "Well, you eat them, and then they go straight to your hips. Or maybe that's just me. . ."

It's time to revive my ocassional blogging. It's a whole new world these days--I've been dating vegetarian Bacon for almost a year, I had my 31st birthday a couple weeks ago (bowling and karaoke), and the Democrats are back!

Some things remain the same, though. I'm still working with Sally and Jeremiah and Eli (my boss' new pseudonym--I'm sure he'll love it the day HR alerts him to my blog and I'm dismissed from the office), and my cat Ferdinand's health is holding steady. He just kissed me this morning, before I emptied a can of Science Diet into his ceramic bowl. I think if an animal with whiskers and a wet nose sniffs you on the lips, you can legitimately say you've been smooched.

I listed my 5 favorite movie scenes back in the day, but I want to take a moment to list my Top 5 movies of 2006:

1. Half Nelson.

2. Little Children

3. 49 Up

4. Pan's Labyrinth

5. Volver

Also, here's my favorite scene from 2006: Clive Owen stopping a war for 90 seconds in Children of Men.

(I could devote an entire blog to Children of Men. In November, I was so excited for its Xmas release that I would go home and watch the trailer on youtube. In December, I saw it and was disappointed in its cinematic overreaching. But now it's January, and damned if that movie hasn't won the battle for my heart and mind. It may be the best movie of the year. For now, it's only the best scene of the year.) Check out below.

By the way, this is a huge 10-minute spoiler. Don't watch if you haven't seen it in the theater.


Blogger Cheryl said...

Welcome back! You deserve many donuts and feline nose-kisses for your work.

3:54 PM  

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