Monday, April 24, 2006

Highlights for children

Listening to Morrisey right now--God, his voice is so great. A combination of wisdom and lust.

Weekend Highlights:

* Omar is being stalked by an old customer at his part-time job. "With my happy demeanor and pretty face, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more."

*At my friend Wilder's 30th birthday, an actress I know talked about lunching with her ex-girlfriend recently. "I told her, 'Yeah, it really bothered me in our relationship that you wouldn't open up and be vulnerable.' She said, 'I know I did that sometimes. Did it make you feel bad?'. I told her, 'No, it made me feel patronized.' "

* Same birthday party. A little dog belonging to the owner of the house ran around, wearing a green sweatband on the "wrist" of his front paw. He looked ready to do some aerobics.

* Same actress, about super-organized people: "Those people who show up on time and know all their lines and are always polite, they're bland as hell. I'm late and flaky, but goddam, sometimes I'm brilliant. In the last 10 years or so, it's been popular to be very together and on time and organized. Things'll change. We will rule again!"

* A queer girl at the Bigfoot Lodge: "Our waitress smells so good. Like shampoo and sex."

* Jennifer Aniston in the movie Friends With Money: "Yeah. I got problems."

* A twentysomething guy with messy blond hair, zeroing in on my date as we walked out of Bigfoot Lodge: "Hi, I'm Tom, I just had to say hello, I'm over there with my friend...". Startled, she politely shook his hand, but I pressed my palms against her back and didn't break my stride. "Keep walking, sweetheart," I muttered, "keep walking."

* Beatriz and I lost each other while shopping at the Cabazon outlets. It was all my fault, naturally, but it took me 45 grumpy and wind-toussled minutes to find her. She tried to cheer me up by telling charming celebrity stories: In college, she passed out inside a NYC dance club. While her friends stepped inside to gather their stuff and leave, Debbie Harry and the bass player Blondie found her sitting on the curb. They called her sweetheart ("You OK, sweetheart?"), fetched her water, and made polite conversation. Also, she met Gloria Steinem at a Dallas airport once—they talked about college classes, and the feminist icon loaned her a copy of Newsweek.

* One more reason to love Beatriz: sometimes, with chatty strangers on airplanes, she gives out the wrong name and tells people she’s an accountant. Why? The truth sucks them in. “They get all interested in my job and want to talk the whole fucking flight. Screw that, I’m not their mother.”


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